Friday, December 28, 2012

Nik's finally 17

Ok look who's suddenly starting to blog everyday!

Anyway on 8th Dec, I met up with my 711 family to have dinner @ Changi Airport's T2 Swensens. It was to celebrate Nik's belated birthday which was 30th Nov. Nik had no idea we're gonna have dinner at Swensens. He thought we just gonna meet up for diner at McDonalds or something. Anyway the surprise was a success! Filzah's mum who we affectionally call 'umi' was the one who treated us all! Thank you again Umi! I had so much fun, I always have a good time with this bunch, they're practically my family already! Oh and I got Nik another Justin Bieber biography since he's a huge Belieber aw just look at the smile on his face!

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