Saturday, June 30, 2012

what june is over?

I can't believe it's the last day of June already. July's tomorrow which just means 2 things to me; 1) my birthday is coming 2) O's is just nearer and nearer. It's scary how times flies so fast. 

Anyway the 1st week of school was alright since it was prelims week, we can get out of school once we are done with our papers, that's the only reason why I don't mind having prelims. Other than that, prelims suck. On a brighter note, I have 2 papers left next week! Just a Chemistry and Physics paper! 

MT O level orals: 5th July! 
I'm the second last person, I don't know whether to be happy or worried. Happy that my turn isn't so soon so I can have more time to calm down or be worried because the teachers would probably be bored and tired after listening to so many kids conversations.

p/s Distinction for MT orals please! 

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