Saturday, June 23, 2012

prelims 1

It's the last day of June holidays today. Term 3 starts tomorrow. I'm not physically and mentally prepared for school I have to admit. Thinking I have prelims the first thing when school reopens sucks alright. The pressure of wanting to pass every paper is there. I can't afford to fail anything. My parents have warned me not to fail, they want to see progress and improvements for my Prelim 1 results. If I don't, I probably will kill 50% of my parents' belief in me. I have so many things to remember, the formulas, the steps, the formats and crap, oh screw it. Never been a fan of studies, never will.

Oh and guess what it suddenly hit me that O's is in 3 months. I have my O level orals in between too. MT results will be out probably in August. Whoa it's all happening so fast. Time slow down will ya?

p.s. Good luck.

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