Saturday, June 30, 2012

711 crew

Definition of a Friend: A person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard

Had a really good Friday yesterday. Met up with my friends whom I call the '711 crew' because we used to hang out outside 711 in secondary 3 last two years, oh those good ol' times. Our main intention of meeting up was to give Luqman an advance birthday surprise. It was super hilarious because we were kinda of unprepared and was wondering how to make the surprise not obvious to Luqman, thank goodness for Luqman's blurnes, the surprise was a success! We just spent our time at Pasir Ris Beach and had like a tiny picnic. We catched up, shared jokes which always make me laugh like crazy and also Nik brought his guitar along and he played some songs, he recently picked up guitar but he was quite good at it! We were impressed. I feel so blessed to have them in my life, they make me so happy! I love them to bits!

Anyway I just noticed I need to take a picture with everyone from the 711 inside! We don't have a picture together, not in my album at least!

Have a good weekend fellow readers!

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