Wednesday, January 1, 2014

1st page of a 365 page book (2014)

"Today is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one."

What do you mean it's 2014 already???? Ok so we've bid farewell to 2013. I can't believe how fast 2013 was. It was honestly one of the fastest years for me. It was like in a blink, it is 2014 already. 2013 was alright. As usual, there were ups and downs. Resolutions are quite necessary to make every year, yes? I've made resolutions for myself in 2013, let's see how many I managed to achieve.

2013's resolutions 

1) to be a better person than I was in 2012

  • I personally feel that I improved and was a better person than I was 2012, but of course there are room for improvements but I thought I was quite alright, I grew as an individual. 
2) to strive to be a better Muslim everyday in 2013
  • This is slightly personal so I'll leave it between me and Allah.
3) get into a polytechnic 
  • This was one of my highlight in 2013. I managed to get into a polytechnic. If you've read my previous posts, you are probably aware that I retook my O's in 2012. I got into NYP, Interaction Design. I am thankful and I still can't believe I got into a polytechnic. I'm pretty proud of myself because it definitely wasn't easy seeing all your friends progressing and moving to polytechnics and JCs when I'm just there with no options and was left behind. Still thankful up till this day.
4) to be a good daughter / sister / friend / granddaughter 
  • I didn't ask anyone if I was any of the above but I hope I am. 
5) donate the blood on my 18th birthday
  • My birthday's in September and there wasn't any blood donation drives that I'm aware of except 1 in late November located in my school. Sadly, I couldn't donate blood because according to them, my veins are too thin hence it would be risky if they took my blood. I was so disappointed because I was really looking forward for it. I have to find ways to make my veins thicker so I can donate blood this year hopefully. 
6) apply for driving lessons once I turn 18
  • I didn't. But hopefully in 2014.
7) complete my undone 2012's resolutions 
  • Meet or find someone who will make happy. Of course by someone I mean, that special someone. I didn't. All I met was jerks but I have no regrets but I take it as lesson for me. God has a plan for me personally, I'll leave it all to God, I'm not complaining.
My resolutions for 2013?

  • I want to be comfortable in my own skin. Get fit. Don't let little things upset easily because I tend to get easily affected. Make my arm veins thicker so I can freakin donate blood. Enrol for license. Get a job maybe. Be a better person spiritually. Not rushing or thirsty but maybe meeting someone who won't fucking pretend they like you and then ignore you would be nice. Lastly, be a better Muslim of course.
Cheers to 2014! Hope it's a good year for all of us!

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