Friday, May 18, 2012

MT O's this 28th

It's the 19th of May. My last post was on the 22nd of March, but like I've mentioned, I am just gonna blog when I feel like it. I've abandoned this blog since 2 years and I suddenly thought of start blogging again so yeah.

Anyway, one of the most important events coming up for me is my MT O's this 28th May. That also means it's only 9 days away, I can count it with my fingers, it's that close. Well not to brag but Malay happens to be my strongest subject. Honestly, it's the only subject I think I'm capable of reaching an A1. Since I took my O's last year and I'm  just retaking this year, my gred for Malay for the MT O's last May was actually unbelievable. I am an B3 to A1 standard for Malay but I actually got a 6 for it. It was insane to me, I broke down but life goes on and I took the 2nd paper in November and managed to grab a 3.

So for this upcoming MT paper I'm sitting for this 28th May, I really hope to achieve an A1. This means I need a distinction for my MT O's oral coming up probably this August too to make the A1 possible! Well wish me luck peeps!

Good luck to everyone sitting for their MT O's this 28th May! Sending my love and well wishes! xoxo

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