Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's 2012 bitches

Ohey, it's been quite a while since I last blogged. Almost 2 years? My last post was 29 November 2010 and it's 3rd January 2012 now! Woah! Well currently it's 1:30am here in Singapore and I felt like restarting my blogger. Hey afterall it's a new year, so why not? There are a lot of huge changes that happened to me within 30 Nov 2010 all the way to 2nd January 2012. It's impossible to cover everything, but hmmm let me try and sum it up.

After 29 November 2010 all the way till the end of 2010:
- If I remembered correctly, I had fun but I was also busy thinking about the major exams I'm gonna take the next year. It was the O levels. I survived the year 2010 and managed to welcome 2011!

The whole of 2011:
- The life of a secondary 4 kid taking her GCE O level examinations.
It was a rough year for me, it depends my future. Where am I gonna go after the O's? It's either JC, Poly or ITE. Or maybe, I may even be retaking my O's if I didn't do well for the O's and I don't wish to enter ITE, so the only solution is to retake my O level of course. I survived from October 2011 all the way to 14 November 2011, the duration of the O level papers I had to sit for. How am I gonna fare for my O level results? Well that's the only big question I have in my mind right now.

Well, it's the 3rd day of 2012! Yes I survived another year, 2011. 2011 was one of the best year I've ever had despite having major exams. I found my true friends who stick with me no matter in 2011 especially. I've thankful for all those people that came into my life and never left. All of you meant the world to me and I never wish to lose any of you.

It's exactly 6 days to the release of O level results! I can't stop thinking about it. I'm worried sick about my results. I really really really want to do well so badly and make my parents proud, more importantly I want to get into a polytechnic. Well just 6 more days! 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6!

That's all for now, it's 1:40am in Singapore now! I'm glad to be on blogger back once again. Goodnight y'all, sweet dreams. xx

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