Saturday, May 29, 2010

i miss swimming.

Hi. Its Saturday again! And every Saturday, I always feeling Bollywood. Haha. Both of my parents are not working today, we will be going swimming later in the evening. I love swimming! I really miss swimming a lot. Well afterall, I already got my gold certificate for swimming, hehe. But then, I stopped swimming, when I was 12 since it was a crucial year for me, as I'm taking PSLE. I'm looking forward for swimming today then I found out I couldn't swim. Girls stuff. What a waste of excitement, tsk. But at least, I get to spend time with my family. :)

Oh 3 more days to MT Oral! Nervous leh.
Good luck to all 4E people who are taking their MT O's this Monday!
And I have to shop soon, badly.

I think I have been crying too much, these few weeks. 2010 have been a sensitive year for me. :O

Till then.

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