Wednesday, May 26, 2010

PTC tomorrow!

Ever thought of marrying yourself? Haha!

Oh today is the last day of school. So tomorrow's PTC. I really nervous and scared, nah terrified! I'm such a disappointment, haiz. Its time to catch up and buck up. During chemistry lesson, Mrs Chua approached me and had a chat with me. She's such a good teacher. She told me she could see the potential in me, but what happened? I'm really touched that Mrs Chua actually personally approached me. I shall buck up! I want and must do better for the next term. :)

Oh and I got my IC yesterday! I feel so adult now, k stop it. Lol. I texted Mum and Dad once I got my IC. Excited like that uh. Texted Dad, he replied, "Good. What's your race?". Well my race is obviously his race right, he ask bonus question. Haha, Dad Dad. My race is Indonesian. Haha, like Jihan, the famous maid on TV. Lol. And I had a special moment yesterday. Hehe, quite happy. Only Adlyn knows what happened eh? Hehe. ^^

And tomorrow I have this Pixar thingy @ Science Centre. Well yeah, I'm quite excited for that one. Meeting up the gang for breakfast before heading to school. Hehe.

Okay, I'm off.

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