Friday, April 16, 2010

17 April babies.

Hi there. This post is dedicated to all the 17 April babies especially my cousin, Ayesha and my friend, Axel. You guys are awesome.

For Ayesha, first, I miss you! Now that you're 14, behave, stop taking pictures of your reflections at the toilet. Haha. You're one of the best cousins I have! Sorry I have no have gift for you cos currently I only have 10 cents in my wallet. But no worries, when we meet, I promise you I will treat you ice cream. Hah, meet up soon girl! Happy 14th Birthday!

For Axel, Happy 16th Birthday! You're really a friendly guy. Its nice knowing you and making friends with you. Good luck for your Os! DNT and History rocks! Nyahaha.
P.S. I'm so jealous of your dimples.

Updates of the week:
- Someone(I know who's that person btw) broke my water bottle. The best part is he just walk off without apologizing. I hate you, impolite jerk.
- I keep listening to JB's songs!
- Azim was my lover of the day on Thursday on FB! HAHAHAHA. Hilarious.
- Ms Santha is back! No more free History period. :(

Heh, till then.

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