Saturday, March 13, 2010

when our eyes met.

308, DNT kids. (:

Okay, this week was the last week of Term 1. Wow, I can't believe Term 1's over already. Time really flies so fast. I have spent around 2 & a half with my class. My classmates are awesome! Okay, maybe some of them are just very annoying, making so much noise that teachers thinks our class is just so destructive. My results are not really satisfying to be honest. I must buck up in Science & Maths. My mum got me a new tuition already, Elite @ 201 there. I'm having English, Maths & Science classes. Maths & English classes on Sunday. Straight away after mengaji & Teensalive, I have to rush to tuition, for Maths class. After that, English class. My Sunday is gonna be so freaking tiring. Haiz. My Science class is on Tuesday nights. Its okay, I will suffer now, when O's are over, I'm gonna fly, seriously! Hah.

Guess what?! My tuition starts tmr!!! Idk if I'm ready. *butterflies in my stomach*

Okay, I'm so addicted to Cinta Ixora! I make sure I must must watch that show every Saturday & Sunday. Heh. The soundtrack for the show, I'm also addicted to the song. Syariff & Faizal! Hah.

Hah, alright, peeps pictures taken at Semakau will be uploaded today, insyaallah. I can't upload now as my brother brought my camera to Pulau Ubin. Sorry. (:

Anyway, here's a conversation between my mum, dad & myself.

Fiqah: Ma Pa, do you know that Adam Lambert is in SG already!!!?
Ma: Oh really?
Pa: The gay?
Fiqah: Yeees! Yes Pa, the gay. "-_-
Ma: -laughing-
Fiqah: I wanna go see him seh! Can we go Bugis Junction, he's gonna be there.
Ma: See first lah.
Pa: Confirm got alot of girls fans. Haiz, but they're just wasting their time.
Fiqah & Ma: Huh?! Why?
Pa: Adam won't be interested in them since he like boys.

WTH, my father. LOL.

Till then.

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