Saturday, January 23, 2010

you're crazy.

(I hope we can stay like this forever, the best of friends.)

First of all, thank you to all who cheered me up yesterday. Adib, Najihah, Aishah, Adilah, Astiqa & LM. Hah, I heard his voice through the phone & I'm happy already. Haha, thanks Naj! Lol. I didn't went the CCA Fair yesterday. Haiz, nevermind. I wasn't really bored @ home lah cos Najihah texted me. Hahaha, thanks again! And Adib, listening to K-pop songs, did cheered me up too! Thanks all my awesome friends. <3

School yesterday was okay. Mr Kahar choose me as the Maths Rep. I was freaking shocked. Hah, biggest joke ever man. Me, Maths Rep?! Hhahahaa, the best part is I don't like Maths since its one of my weakest subjects. Hah. Najihah is the English Rep. Astiqa, the Physics Rep. Zuhaili, Green CHAMPION! HAHAHAHHAHAAA. LM, Geog Rep. Mr Kahar random choose sia. Hahahhaa. 308 is awesome! I'm starting to enjoy being in 308. All of them are friendly. But I do miss my dear dear 208'09! Awwwh. :(

Alright, tmr's Teensalive! I'm always looking forward for Teensalive. Awesome people in there! But I don't really like going mengaji. Lol.

Anyway, my current braces colour is Neon Orange! :P

That's all for today. Take care! ^_^

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