Saturday, May 11, 2013

Dilla's 17th @ GBTB

It has been a really long time since I last blog. Mostly it's due to laziness and I've been rather busy for a month, ever since school started. Yes, after the long half a year holiday, I am back to school. Tertiary education is definitely so much different and it was a slight shock for me. I'd blog about my new school some other time but right now, I'm blogging about the mini birthday surprise celebration we had for Dilla over at Gardens by the Bay on 1st May around 11 days ago, almost 2 weeks.

The lesbinis planned to have a little picnic over at Gardens by the Bay to celebrate Dilla's 17th belated birthday which was on 17th April. It was a surprise, so Dilla wasn't aware that we had it planned for her. Honestly, our surprise didn't turn out entirely smoothly, but Dilla was being a good sport, shutting her eyes as Dayana and Seha guided her to our spot. Dilla had a good reaction as soon as she opened her eyes so our plan to surprise her was a success! She also loved the tote and $40 Skin Food gift vouchers we got for her, since she love Skin Food so much. I have not seen this bunch ever since the start of April, where school started for all of us, therefore I've missed them all so terribly. It was hard to meet up too since we all in different schools. Ila was not able to make it sadly, if not it would have been perfect. I had so much fun that day. I always have an amazing time with this bunch. I miss them already. I know the lesbinis will stick with each other for a very long time despite not being in the same school anymore. 

xoxo lahv the lesbinis

p/s it's my 1st post on my new MacBook pro teehee

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