Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Refah & Shikin

I've been a lazyass when it comes to blogging these past few weeks. Plus I was also working for 6 days for the last 2 weeks. Well I never had a job before so it was my 1st working experience. My initial plan was to work from January 2013 to March 2013 since I had a 6 month holiday since O levels ended back in November 2012 and before the April intake 2013 starts I thought working for 3 solid month didn't sound like a bad idea at all. Unfortunately I was only working in end Feb/early March since I had so much trouble searching for a suitable job. I wanted to work under retail, hence I went for a couple of interviews and agencies but I didn't get any job at all. My luck in finding a job only came at end of February. In the end, working for only 6 days was the best offer I could get because most of the jobs wanted full-timers and people who can commit for 3 months which was obviously out of the picture for me because I start school in April. Anyway to cut the long story short, the 6 days was an eye opener for me! I can't believe I'm saying this but going to school is definitely better than going to work. Right now, I'm just waiting for my pay which will probably come at the end of March!

Enough of my job experience! Last Thursday, I met up with 2 of my very close primary school girls, Refah and Shikin for early dinner at T2's Fish & Co. Shikin's birthday happened to be a few days ago too so Refah and I treated Shikin to a nice seafood dinner. I have not seen these girls for months so I was rather happy to be able to meet up with them. Refah and Shikin are actually the only two true primary school friends I had who are still keeping in touch with me till this day. I wasn't the one with a huge group of friends in primary school but I was still thankful I had two true best friends with me, up till this day! I'm so thankful we are still keeping touch with each other even though we really rarely see each other. I can't wait to see them again!

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