Friday, August 17, 2012

happy or sad

Today is a day filled with so many emotions; anxiety, fear, happiness, disappointment, excitement. It's a Friday with full of mixed feelings. 

1) Anxiety, fear, disappointment - Today I got to know how I fared for my MT O's. I kept thinking what grade I will get for basically the whole of this week. I was kinda of afraid for the outcome. My aim was of course a distinction for Malay since Malay happen to be my strongest subject. However, when I did not saw my name on the screen among the list of students who scored a distinction, I knew it had to be a B3 or below. I was crushed. I was really hoping for an A1 or at least an A2. So when my form teacher called me to come forward to see my results. I got a B3 and a distinction for oral. Yes I maintained a B3 like what I got last year. However, I was surprised for the distinction I got for oral because I seriously thought I screwed my oral up. My parents were neutral for my results but I can tell they're slightly disappointed. Right now, I have to make a huge decision if I want to go for the 2nd chance and retake in November or just be happy with my B3. However, if I retake, it will be my 4th time taking a GCE O MT paper ugh!

2) Happiness, excitement - Guess what!? Omg I am too excited to share this with you guys but...... wait for it


I am so happy I could die due to happiness right now, here are 20 reasons:

1) I am a proud member of the TWFanmily (what fans of The Wanted are called)
2) I have missed them twice last year when they came to Singapore to perform for private gigs and events 
3) I got $128 from my parents to buy the ticket even though they were half-hearted
4) It's 1 of my advance birthday gift from my parents since my birthday is on 28 September!
5) I love Nathan Sykes
6) I love Jay McGuiness
7) I love Max George
8) I love Siva Kaneswaran
9) I love Tom Parker
10) I love their accents
11) I love their songs
12) I love British boys
13) I love The Wanted
14) I love The Wanted 
15) I love The Wanted 
16) I love The Wanted 
17) I love The Wanted 
18) I love The Wanted 
19) I love The Wanted 
20) I love The Wanted 

Too happy, too happy, can't wait to see my 5 boys.

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