Thursday, September 9, 2010

the real world.

Oh here's a picture taken on Teacher's Day. From L to R: Nadiah, Amirah, myself, Aishah.

Its 9/9/10 today! This means that its the last day of fasting month and Hari Raya is tomorrow! Wow its gonna be Hari Raya tomorrow, time flies by fast. Of course, I'm so excited for Hari Raya! Who isn't! Young or old, we're always looking forward for Hari Raya cause its the time where we meet and reunite with our relatives, enjoy delicious food, have fun together with our family and friends; and for the young ones(like me!), we get to collect money! Ahh those green packets. So exciting. But sadly, the first day of Hari Raya this year, I'm spending it at home with my siblings. Both of my parents are working, sadly. They didn't get to apply for leave. Its just gonna be, us(my siblings and I), facing the TV screen all day, I guess. But thankful, there's the weekends! My family and I will go visiting during the weekends. Money and food, here I come!

I would also like to take this opportunity to apologise to everyone, if I have ever hurt you in any way. My words or physically. I hope I'm forgiven. I'm really sorry, and I mean it. To all my Muslim friends, I hope you guys will have an awesome Hari Raya with your family and friends! <3

Alright, I'm off to do some last minute spring cleaning!

P.S. 19 more days to...K maybe its too early to countdown! Huhu.

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